David Strope highlights Regular Baptist Ministries during a visit to Walnut Park Baptist Church, Muscatine, Iowa.

As I travel representing Regular Baptist Ministries in churches and association meetings, people often ask me, “Why RBM? Why the GARBC? What is the relevance of a ninety-one-year-old organization to life in our postmodern age?”

In previous Baptist Bulletin issues, I provided these answers:

• Regular Baptist Ministries is relevant because Biblical association with other churches provides encouragement, accountability, and opportunities to receive ministry assistance and assist other churches.

• Regular Baptist Ministries is relevant to our lost world when we are relevant to God.

• Regular Baptist Ministries and your church are relevant to a lost and dying world when we herald near and far the message of the gospel.

I propose a fourth answer: Regular Baptist Ministries is relevant as a united voice for God around the world when we clearly, concisely, and compassionately speak Biblical truths, especially the gospel.

David E. Strope is interim national representative of the GARBC.