A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950 to 2000

IAIN H. MURRAY & BANNER OF TRUTH (www.banneroftruth.org), 342 Pages, Hardcover, $23.00

Readers interested in the developments of fundamentalism and evangelicalism in the second half of the twentieth century will want to read this book, which gives a somewhat British perspective. As the book jacket states, Murray shows how the new policy of inclusivism “involved concessions which seriously weakened biblical Christianity.” A couple of interesting features of the book are a timeline of new evangelicalism, placed on both the inside front and back covers, and statements made by evangelicals like Francis Schaeffer and Martyn Lloyd-Jones, whose statements on Billy Graham and ecumenical evangelism might not be as well known as those of fundamentalists John R. Rice, Bob Jones, Robert Ketcham, and the like, who were very vocal. The book gives insight into individuals who may have led Graham onto the path he took regarding ecumenism, and it also tells of some of the odd situations that the Graham crusades got into. The book has a helpful index, as well as several good appendixes including a work by Horatius Bonar titled, “Satan and the Gospel.”