Excerpts from a new website hosted by young Baptist leaders

What Is Quest?

It didn’t start with a bang—some get ’em all riled up event. It did start with prayer and a meeting to discuss the best ways to integrate young men into involvement and leadership with the GARBC. Out of that meeting came more discussion and more people involved in growing this network of young Baptist leaders. Now we want to include you in the network.

This blog is a key way we’re striving to involve, excite, and challenge you to be involved in building on our great heritage and making an impact in this generation for the glory of God. This is just a place for us to rejoice in our heritage, challenge our thinking, delight in our privilege of serving God and people, and grow together. —Will Hatfield, theology moderator

World “Unity” on Display

At a recent conference, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a “cruel and oppressive racist regime.” Then, the Czech Republic’s President Václav Klaus criticized a meeting on climate change. Where did these acrimonious speeches take place? At the General Assembly of the “United” Nations! The same body that is “committed to maintaining international peace and security [and] developing friendly relations among nations.” It is symptomatic of the end times that “nation will rise against nation” (Luke 21:10). Only when Christ has conquered the earth will people from every nation worship the Lamb together (Rev. 5:10; 7:9). —Greg Long, Christianity and culture moderator

Making Unpopular Decisions

As someone who is often thrust into the role of public decision-making, I’ve made my share of unpopular decisions. Some have been in the context of church ministry. Others have come through my involvement with various nonprofit boards. Still others are due to my service as an elected community official. Below are a few lessons I’m in the process of learning (mostly gleaned from the book of Proverbs) when making unpopular decisions. First, allow the opposition an opportunity to speak. The only thing lost by listening to the opposition is time; but what can be gained is insight, which is by far the more precious commodity. “In the abundance of counselors there is victory” (Prov. 11:14b; 24:6). —Josh Gelatt, books moderator

Mom, Dad, and You(th) Ministry

Parents can approach youth ministry two ways: (1) a spiritual drop-off service that is supposed to teach my children about God, or (2) a spiritual supplement service that is there to help me teach my children about God. The bigger question for churches, pastors, and youth leaders is similar: What is the role of parents in the youth ministry? This is something that I’d like to take a look at over the next couple of weeks, but first, this is where you come in. Take a moment to read over the following questions and let us know what you think or do. How are parents involved in the youth ministries of your church? I’m curious about what some churches are doing and what type of effect it is having. Let us know. —Nat Kealen, youth moderator

A Great New Song

This new song from Sovereign Grace Ministries combines rich theology with congregational singability. “All I Have Is Christ” was written by Jordan Kauflin, who is the son of Bob Kauflin. Bob is well known in the music world, and it looks as if his son will carry on his father’s tradition. We used this song last week at a family camp at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp, and it was an immediate favorite. One of the commendable things about Sovereign Grace (www.sovereigngracestore.com) is their commitment to offer these songs basically for free. —Mike Augsburger, worship and ministry moderator

Philosophy of Preaching

I hope you are starting to find articles on the Quest website that are of value and interest to you. This week I am planning a five-part series that will provide articles from five men on the topic of preaching. By way of introduction, Dr. Robert Delnay was a former professor of mine at Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary. He is also the author of Teaching as He Taught and one of my personal favorites on preaching, Fire in Your Pulpit. Dr. Delnay has a love for God’s Word and a love for cutting it straight and preaching with purpose and passion. Enjoy this first of at least five articles on preaching: “Vital Preaching” by Dr. Robert Delnay. —David King, preaching moderator