Banner of Truth (, 588 Pages, Paper, $19.00

If a statement on the back cover is true—that “there can be few Christians who changed the life of nations only to be as little remembered as George Whitefield,” then we need to get busy and read this resurrected biography. Whitefield was a remarkable revivalist, a contemporary of Jonathan Edwards. Even Benjamin Franklin knew and admired him as a friend, though he never embraced Whitefield’s Biblical teachings.

The back cover also notes that many have wished to memorialize Whitefield as a theatric or fanatic, which certainly is unfortunate. Respected clergyman and writer J. C. Ryle, who has blessed us with many great spiritual literary works, said of the revivalist, “Whitefield was one of the most powerful and extraordinary preachers the world has ever seen.”

Though written in the 1800s, the account is very readable, though you should afford yourself time to digest it.